Plastic Free July at Arnhem

Plastic Free July is a global movement inspiring people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution.
The campaign started in WA back in 2011. The brainchild of Rebecca Prince-Ruiz has since grown and is celebrated in 177 counties around the world.


In the fight against climate change & pollution, every little bit helps. An important point we want you to know, particularly given that we're writing this blog, is that we’re not perfect. Each of us working here at Arnhem are at different stages of our plastic-free, zero-waste journey. The continuum however is an awareness and commitment to creating a more sustainable future.

As a business we ditched plastic packaging back in 2017. This was a huge leap for us back then. Committing to corn-starch, biodegradable, compostable packaging came at such high costs and the volumes we had to purchase were staggering. But in just three years, as more brands have strengthened their commitment to sustainability, purchasing alternatives to plastic packaging has become a financially viable option because it’s since become the norm.

In that same year we began transitioning away from rayon/viscose to sustainable fibre bases and reviewing all of our trims. We began to swap out plastic buttons for shell and wood alternatives, ditching plastic zips and finding new ways to design. We changed the way garment tags were attached and said goodbye to plastic button bags. Then we started the plastic free conversation with our suppliers. Our plastic free journey was underway. We didn’t have all of the answers. But we're now making progress and we’re forever committed to the path we've chosen.
Zero-waste plastic free beauty and homeware products at Arnhem


Any step you take to reduce your impact contributes to a more sustainable future. It’s important to be kind to yourself, be persistent & celebrate the wins.

At Arnhem we love the mantra, what you buy makes a difference.

This is why we’re celebrating Plastic Free July with a new product range: possibly our biggest zero-waste collection ever!

Whether you’re just starting out, or are super immersed in zero-waste living, this month is the perfect time to set yourself a challenge to take another step to reduce use of single-use plastics. With this in mind, we designed and created a range of products that are simple solutions to help you reduce your impact.

In Arnhem homewares you will find the plastic free essentials we can’t live without. We’ve rescued more of our surplus fabric and have collaborated with our favourite zero-waste brands to bring you the cutest eco-friendly, plastic-free products that you’ll love and that don’t cost the earth. From your favourite zero-waste everyday beauty and household wipes, to bamboo cutlery kits, linen bowl and jar covers, loose leaf Chai and anti-cling wrap Beeswax Kits we hope that you find something that will help make your daily routine more sustainable.
Seriously, sustainable living has never looked so good!

Zero waste eco-friendly homewares at Arnhem now available to shop

Here are some of the facts that motivated us to create our new PFJ collection.

It’s estimated that 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute the worlds beaches.
Ditch the plastic for an eco-friendly, stainless steel alternative that’s reusable, durable, easy to carry and perfect for your daily smoothie, or in your cheeky afternoon spritz.

Single use plastic cutlery takes up to 1,000 years to decompose.
For life on the go invest in a reusable bamboo cutlery set - an easy way to make a positive impact. 

It is estimated Australians use 1 billion disposable coffee cups each year and only 1 in every 400 cups are recycled.
Whatever your hot beverage of choice is, using a reusable cup or travel mug is a simple way to take matters into your own hands & say NO to plastic.

The convenient thin plastic film that infiltrates kitchens around the world is rarely recycled because apparently it’s too difficult! Plus it’s made from potentially harmful chemicals that wreak havoc on the environment.
Bee’s Wax Wrap’s are a sustainable way to keep your food fresh as they act like a breathable, natural barrier – we LOVE this solution

Taking off our makeup could be bad for the environment as most of the wipes sold contain non-biodegradable materials like polyester - aka plastic.
A beautiful quick-fix to this problem is to buy wipes that can be washed and reused, and that can safely compost back into the earth at the end of their natural life cycle.

Did you think we’d gone a bit left-field with Arnhem Chai? It’s true that Arnhem herself is a connoisseur of Chai and had always wanted to share her love for this bevvie with you. But there’s more to it than that. Tea is a daily ritual of millions of people around the globe. However, what many of the tea companies fail to mention is that their tea bags are actually sealed with plastic and are not compostable at all. It actually takes a lot of detective work to figure out which tea bags can be composted and which will never degrade. Lots of tea bags are made of blends of natural and synthetic fibres, and it’s those synthetic fibres you need to watch as they contain thermoplastic fibres. So if you don’t have the time to read boxes of tea, an easy solution is to buy loose leaf tea – and thus our Rainbow Chai baby was born.

Sustainable homewares and travel solutions available to shop from the Plastic free July Arnhem collection
Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram Stories this month as we’ll be celebrating and raising awareness about Plastic Free July by sharing the progress of our team’s personal PFJ challenges, the accounts and zero-waste warriors who inspire us most, there’s exciting take overs, tips and tricks and an exciting giveaway too!

If you have an idea for a zero-waste product you’d love us to create as part of our Revive initiative email us at