Care & Repair, and Natural Dye Workshops

In celebration of Fashion Revolution Week we wanted to bring our Care and Repair, and Natural Dyeing Workshops to all of community by bringing them online. We know that you are passionate about sustainability, so we invite you to explore new ways of dealing with your treasures when they reach the end of their natural life with you.

If you’re tired of wearing the same garment year after year, then why not get creative and make your clothes one-of-a-kind. Our Natural Dyeing Workshop is a deeply satisfying, environmental friendly, meditative way to breathe magical life into older garments and create something that looks new, and that’s unique to you.
Next, we have our Care and Repair videos that are an easy to follow tutorial designed to help you complete repairs to your Arnhem treasures. Maybe it’s a lost button, a fallen hem, or small hole that needs fixing; if that’s the case, we highly recommend buying our new Revive Sewing Kit that contains everything you need for quick repairs to your most loved pieces. Don’t worry if you can’t sew, we’re focusing on easy mending techniques in these videos that anyone can do.
Extending the life of your treasures and keeping them out of landfill will have a significant, positive environmental impact. It’s consider that lengthening the life of your clothes from just one to two years decreases their carbon footprint by 24%!

Fast fashion and over-consumption has had a detrimental effect on our planet. The textile industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. Caring, repairing and reviving what you already have is a clear stand against the kind of capitalism that puts profit before planet. We hope that these workshops inspire you to think about circular solutions, empowering you to recycle what you already have and provide you with a deep sense of mindfulness around products and consumerism. And above all else, we hope that you have fun - enjoy.

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